2008年12月10日 星期三

(561) 有人在想我



一早收到 Mom Jeannette 傳來的 e-mail, 心情不太好, 往年這個時候, 已經收到她寄來的 X'mas 禮物 & 她特地為我做的巧克力花生醬夾心餅乾了, 但今年年初弟弟過世後沒兩天, 剛好 Mom Jeannette 的好友要去韓國旅遊, 她想說我去過韓國, 要我幫忙上網蒐集一些旅遊資訊, 我這才跟她說弟弟過世了我忙著處理他的事情, 真的沒心情去做別的事.  五月份小葆生日時她問說小葆想要什麼生日禮物, 我表示我們一家人因為弟弟過世, 一整年都不過節日, 因此, 也不會慶生, 請勿寄禮物來, 當然也順便讓她瞭解我今年不會寄母親節和生日還有聖誕禮物給她了.

一年中, 我最喜歡的節日不是農曆過年, 也不是生日, 而是聖誕節, 或許是因為聖誕節的歡樂氣氛太濃, 色彩也太顯著了, 每到了這一天, 總會覺得格外歡樂, 即使不收禮, 連送小朋友們禮物都送得快樂無比, 但是今年不同, 驟失親人的痛, 遠超過一百個聖誕快樂所能沖散的.

Re: Thanks for your concern

2008/12/10(星期三) 上午8:23


Hi Judy it seems like so long since I have heard from you.  It does not seem like Christmas without making you cookies and presents to send you.  How long will it be before the time of morning is over for you and your family?



In october that friend of Matthews Judy from China and her little girl came to visit me for a week it was a lot of fun but I wished it was you and your son.  Her little girl could not speak english but by the time they left to back to China she could say a lot of words even though she is only four years old.  She really loved the kitty.  Her mother and father wish to have another baby and have been talking to her about having a brother or sister but she wants her mom to have a kitty instead.



When do you go back to the docter again and have you had your son checked yet for his heart that is real important to do.



This week we have had 12 inches of snow and it is very beautiful but cold out there.  Are you going to be able to take a trip for the Chineese new year this year ?  How id business in your country it is not very good here at all.  I hope they figure out what to do soon.  Maybe our new president knows what to do.



I think about you all the time
your american Mom

